Thursday 28 November 2013

A Day in the Life of Chevy

Kevin Cheveldayoff is the GM of the Winnipeg Jets. He also has a love of claiming players off waivers and not doing much else. The only time he traded away a soon-to-be unrestricted free agent was in his first year when he traded Johnny Oduya to Chicago for a second round pick. Because of all that Chevy does all day to improve the Jets there is a question on Twitter #WhatDidChevyDoToday and so I give you a day in the life of Chevy. This is a non game day in Winnipeg

7:00 am- Wake up
7:05- Shower
7:15- Get dressed
7:20- Make coffee
7:25- Pour a bowl of milk and Cherrios
7:45- Shovel his driveway
8:00- Drive to his office
8:30-8:45 Arrive at office
8:45-9:00 Get ready for his day
9:00- Call Mark Stuart's agent to see what his contract demands are, talk for over an hour about how valuable Stuart is to the team
10:30- call James Wright's agent to see what his contract demands are, tells him how Wright is the perfect bottom six player and can fill in on a top six line when injuries hit, talk for over an hour
11:45- Decides to go eat lunch, goes out to McDonald's for the Filet-o-Fish when Stella's is closer with a tastier and healthier fish burger
12:15- Heads back to his office calls Chris Thorburn's agent to learn his contract demands, they talk about how his fighting sparks the team for over an hour
1:45- Decides he needs a nap
3:15- Wakes up and logs onto his computer to read Allan Walsh's Twitter account about how Pavelectric Pavelec is
3:45- Decides he's done enough work for the day and heads home
4:15-4:30 Arrives home, helps his kids with homework
5:30- Eats supper with his family
6:00- Watches CTV News
7:00 Finds and Watches a Two and a Half Men marathon
8:30 Puts his kids to bed
9:00 Goes back to watching Two and a Half Men
10:00 Turns to TSN to watch That's Hockey 2Night
11:00 Goes to bed to rest up for another busy day

And that is what a day in the life of Chevy looks like
(this was fiction and is by no means real in any way, shape, or form)

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