Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Volunteers Needed

I got this email today.

Hello everyone,

For those of you interested in volunteering this summer we are running a 3 week science camp for inner city youth at the University of Winnipeg. This year, 15 different schools involved in a community wide program called CSI will each come to the U of W for one day to participate in fun hands-on science based activities. The camp runs from July 14th to August 1st, 2014 between the hours of 9:30am and 2:30pm. We will have about 60 to 80 kids a day between the ages of 4 and 12 so we are looking for LOTS of volunteers. As the largest program of LTS U of W, this is a major volunteer commitment but we appreciate anyone who can help out for 1 or 2 days or the full 3 weeks.

A CSI Camp information session will be held in the basement of Wesley Hall (0W01) on Monday, June 16th, 2014 at 12:00pm. If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping out please come to this meeting (feel free to spread the word, pass along this email and/or bring a friend or two with you).

Try to make it to this important information session!!!
However if you can not attend this meeting but are still interested in volunteering, email us back at ltsuofw.csicamp@gmail.com to let us know.

We hope to see you soon,
Hannah Eisenstat, CSI Camp Coordinator
Amarpreet Rehal and Kyle Strong, CSI Camp Assistant Coordinators

Ps. We would love to hear any ideas you might have about science activities, quick demonstrations or you-tube clips for the camp with respect to our 3 themed rooms: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. For bonus points, try to think of a science name for yourself to put on your name tag such as Hyperspace Hannah, Adiabatic Barb or Atomic Amarpreet.