Monday, 31 March 2014

What is Good?

In grade twelve my English teacher asked us a seemingly simple question; what is good? Though the question seems simple, there is no right answer. I may think that tea is the greatest thing ever, and someone else may think coffee is. Neither is wrong, but we do not have to like the same things.

Though this concept is simple there are many people who laugh at others for not liking "good" television or "good" music. But because good is a very subjective word, I cannot say that something you like is not "good", I can only say that I do not share your opinion. There is a big difference. Some people feel like they are wrong for liking things that not everyone else does. I know I did.

So what is good? Good is whatever you want to be good. Your good is different than someone else's good and that is okay. There will be people who have the same idea as what good is as you in regards to some things and those are the people that you do those things with.

We should not mock people for what they like unless it is objectively racist, sexist, homophobic etc. Let's unite in hating those things and let everyone else decide what is good.